
Self-signed Certificates for Plex Media Server

Create key and certificate

Create PKCS12 certificate

Get ProcessedMachineIdentifier

cat /config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server\Preferences.xml

Example: ProcessedMachineIdentifier=”2cbc18598cd802a9d856dabdd52bf29b4r0e24gq”

Create private key using pem2plex.py

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sadsfae/misc-scripts/master/python/pem2plex.py

python pem2plex.py plex.crt plex.key 2cbc18598cd802a9d856dabdd52bf29b4r0e24gq

This will generate a long hash. Save it we’ll need it later.


We now have certificate.p12 and the long hash (passphrase) above.

Install certificate in Plex

Login to Plex and go to Settings->Server->Network

Insert the path where you placed certificate.p12 i.e /etc/ssl/private/plex/certificate.p12

Insert the long hash on Custom certificate encryption key

Source: How to Use Self-signed SSL Certificates for Plex Media Server archive